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WePlanet Australia is an ecohumanist organisation promoting public policy addressing a range of social and environmental issues including climate change, biodiversity loss and poverty.


We can liberate nature and elevate humanity.

We​Planet Australia is co-hosting a special event with our friends at Nuclear for Climate Australia and Going Fission.


Join us in Morwell, 6pm on Wednesday 18th September to hear about the role that nuclear could play in Australia’s energy future, and what this could mean for the Latrobe Valley.


This event is expected to reach capacity! Secure your seat here.


Email for any questions.​​

​​​For other WePlanet Australia events, see our Events page.

Morwell event flyer A5


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RePlaneters at Glasshouse Mountains. Note: WePlanet Australia changed its name fromRePlanet Australia in 2024.
Brisbane 'Move Beyond Coal' protest. Note: WePlanet Australia changed its name fromRePlanet Australia in 2024.
Tea, Andrea and Andrea in Brisbane. Note: WePlanet Australia changed its name fromRePlanet Australia in 2024.
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